How to Build Self-Confidence
Every day, I see or work with an army of women who struggle with confidence. In so many ways. From the basics of trying on a new dress in front of a shop assistant and going for an interview, to … Continued
Every day, I see or work with an army of women who struggle with confidence. In so many ways. From the basics of trying on a new dress in front of a shop assistant and going for an interview, to … Continued
Fantastic feedback After a year in the making, we successfully launched our 9 stage Be Unstoppable Online Women’s Empowerment Program in last June this year. We listened to over 14,000 of you, and we heard what you wanted. We know … Continued
As more families move towards a dual income to make ends meet and with more women entering the workforce, we like to believe there is more opportunity for women, at all levels in business, to reach their full potential and … Continued
The Dalai Lama once said ‘the world will be saved by Women.’ And I believe that, but many are struggling. I have coached, trained and counselled women for over 20 years and whilst many do well, the large percentage of … Continued
Self-doubt, uncertainty, trepidation and a lack of up-to-date awareness of the challenges one might face, are all part of the business culture, particularly in the early days when your working world isn’t full of clarity, and goals are hard to … Continued
Chocolate Empowerment I must admit I get tired of the ‘it’s a new year so isn’t it time for a new you’ approach. That’s like saying ‘I know I am 20 kg overweight, but I’ll address it next year – … Continued
Women play a significant role in creating a more just and compassionate society and have a role to play in helping steer the world out of its modern day complexities and multi-layered complications. We need to stand up and be … Continued
We’re living in a very different world we lived in even as recently as five years ago. International poverty, terrorism, violence and widespread discontent face us daily. There is much focus on reducing the horror of domestic violence, and attempting … Continued
The Dalai Lama said ‘the world will be saved by Women.’ Our new way of life requires so much of women today. We are mother, wife, manager, educator, friend, taxi driver, counsellor, mentor, daughter, coach, sister, neighbour, leader and cook … Continued