No Motivation to Work? 5 ways to get your Mojo back

Is winning at work possible? Can you get out of bed invigorated and happy to face what the day brings, or do you find you have no motivation to work and drag your body into the office?

We’re just over halfway through the year now, and chances are you’re feeling a little jaded.

Your new year’s resolutions seem so far away, the regular mini-breaks you promised to take this year seem a distant memory and ….. you’re back in the same place you threatened you would leave.

You feel tired and uninspired with, and in, your work.  You hope it will change and things will get better and you are really looking to the boss going on holiday soon. After all, all he ever does is hassle you and make unrealistic demands of you.

The problem with this way of thinking is that if you want to live in an inspired and energetic way and love your work, it’s your choice.  Not your boss’s.

 How are your motivation levels at work? 

Answer these questions to see how you fare regarding your motivation at work.

For each, score a yes or no (not sometimes):

  1. Overall do like my work and the tasks I do?
  2. Do I get enough rest at night to wake up feeling energized in the morning?
  3. Is my diet healthy, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and keeping fatty and sugary foods out?
  4. Do I exercise at least three  times a week (30 – 40 minutes a time) raising my cardiovascular activity to a healthy level?
  5. Do I surround myself with positive and engaging people who are good role models in my life?
  6. Would others regard me as a pleasure to be around?

If you have answered at least three questions with a ‘no’, chances are that you are a woman who is weary at work.  So, what can you do about this?

  1. Take more regular breaks.
  2. Do more of the things you love  – have a massage, create art, go to the theatre, for example.
  3. Look after your health in every way. Without our health, none of us have anything!
  4. Surround yourself with positive and optimistic people at work and home.
  5. Be kind to yourself. Take a break, but be disciplined to look after yourself.

It’s routine for so many of we women to look after everybody else first, and then ourselves last.  After all, we are the bearers of the children and responsible for our aging parents, sick neighbours, cooking and cleaning and now more than ever, more of us are involved in full time employment than ever before.

The problem is that if we look after others all the time, and fail to self-care, it will affect our Mojo and we lose our spark.  We lose our enthusiasm and passion for what we are doing, we question our roles and ourselves and we can sink into depression and anxiety.

The good news is that there is a lot you can do to revive your Mojo, and it starts with making you the most important person in your life today and every day.

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