The World will be saved by Women

The Dalai Lama said ‘the world will be saved by Women.’  Our new way of life requires so much of women today.

We are mother, wife, manager, educator, friend, taxi driver, counsellor, mentor, daughter, coach, sister, neighbour, leader and cook all in one day. Women have a profound impact on everything in life.

We are the oxygen to life, part of the reason we are all here.

More than one-third of women are affected by domestic violence. Many don’t even know it. Women are what makes the world move. We are the constructs of society. Yet we forget how incredibly important we are.

I remember the day my book ‘Empowering Women to Thrive’ came to me. I realised how many women didn’t have a cheerleader behind them. Someone who knows how powerful they are to the world.

My message, my programs, my books. To help you realise what you are here to do. Your purpose. Your life.  Your happiness. You.

I speak at conferences internationally. We run retreats and women’s empowerment training programs.  We coach you. We educate you through monthly webinars. We run an online program and we conduct a program for women affected by Domestic Violence.

My message is so important and I cannot do it alone. If you want help, contact me.  If you are looking to support us, we would be so grateful.

All the love and hugs to you and the women around you. Thank you for sharing the journey.

It’s time!

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